Why I created this ePortfolio (Past, Present, Future)
I have always kept a portfolio because of my background in the arts. To graduate (in 2010) with Bachelor of Arts, I had to present a portfolio (old-school 2″ binder) full of images, papers, firing logs and many other artifacts from my courses. I also had a website on this very domain that I posted my work on, not because it was required but just because I wanted my own website.
Throughout college, I maintained another a digital portfolio specifically, for when I worked as a freelance graphic designer. At the time (2008-2011) this was mainly an online image gallery divided into categories such as logos, illustration, print, web and so on. I would never show any of this old work to my current clients but it is always good to look back at my old archives to see how I have evolved.
Currently, in the DLL program again I am required to maintain a portfolio to document my academic journey. However, this isn’t a 2″ binder world anymore. Enter the ePortfolio and complete redesign/reinvention/resurrection of the site I host on this domain.
Why? Other than because it is required ,am I excited to create this ePortfolio
“Portfolios provide a powerful environment in which students can collect and organize the artifacts that result from engaging in these challenging, real-life tasks, and write the reflections through which students draw meaning”
Barrett, H., & Richter, J. (n.d.). Why Reflect? – Reflection4Learning. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/reflection4learning/why-reflect
I believe that authentic learning is a process that requires the learner to reflect on their acquisition of new knowledge and assess how it fits in with what they previously knew on the subject. In a traditional graduate level class students are often asked to read assigned texts and write a 1-2 page response. In the DLL program, learners are being asked to present documentation and reflections over their learning via a personal blog. There are some recommended readings and videos to consume, however, there are no specific checklists on what to include in each blog post. This approach gives the learner more authority over their work and esablishes a more genuine sense of ownership (COVA) over the artifacts produced. So
In response to the current digital environment our students live in, I would like to see ePortfolios be implemented more in K-12 schools. This practice can help students own their learning and develop a growth mindset. Placing emphasis on the process of learning and enabling students to tell the full story behind what they produce in their classes. This level of self-awareness will improve their success in college and beyond.
Interested in having your students create ePortfolios, check out this awesome list of digital resources from Common Sense Education.
As for the future of my own ePortfolio, my goal is to maintain this blog after my graduation from Lamar University. In my classroom, my students are currently building their own
For more on the benefits of ePortfolios read Why use an ePortfolio by D. Harapnuik and 41 Benefits of an
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