Owning up to Owning my ePortfolio
I have always believed that teachers should practice what they preach. Yet, unfortunately, I have met many art teachers who are not exhibiting or working artists. This always baffled me because how can you ask students to create and put themselves out there when you are not doing it yourself. Personally, my work has always given me the ‘street cred’ with students that I need to gain their confidence. This was particularly true when my illustrations made it on a billboard for a popular restaurant chain near the campus where I was teaching last year. Similarly, I appreciate being able to see my DLL professor’s websites and checking out what they do beyond grading coursework.
“If we effectively model what we expect our student to do with their eportfolios by showing them ours, then the feedback we can provide to our students will be much more valuable and more openly received”
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). Who Owns the Eportfolio? Retrieved from. http://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6050
A couple of weeks ago when I started this course, I told a friend about my reservations on writing blog posts over assigned readings. Yes, I can write my responses to articles but why would anyone want to read them was my concern. I think this is why I was hesitant to post straight from my LMS discussion posts to this blog. However, I also worried that deviating from this could harm my grade for the course. But as you can read, I got over it and decided to write about the points that resonate most with me from class discussions.
Reading this article helped reassure me that in the end, I am the steward of my work and my domain. Hence, after this course, if I choose to go back and archive any post that doesn’t align with a future intent of my blog then I can certainly do so.
- Campell, G. (2009). A Personal Cyberinfrastructure. Retrieved from https://er.educause.edu/articles/2009/9/a-personal-cyberinfrastructure
- Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). Who Owns the Eportfolio? Retrieved from. http://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6050
- Rikard, A. (2015). Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It?
Retrived from https://www.edsurge.com/news/2015-08-10-do-i-own-my-domain-if-you-grade-it - Watters, A. (2015). The Web We Need to Give Students. Retrieved from https://brightthemag.com/the-web-we-need-to-give-students-311d97713713