Looking Forward: Innovation Planning

Students in the DLL program are tasked to create and implement an innovation plan. This work will account for the majority of my upcoming coursework. I must admit, looking forward and knowing that the innovation plan in coming soon, makes me a little anxious. I have no idea (ok, maybe a little idea) what problem I will address for my innovation plan, but I do know one thing. Whatever I do will incorporate a lot of videos. Not just because I have been dying to order a new ring light from my Amazon wish list, but because video is the most accessible and engaging format for our current environment.

What else inspired me to make this decision? This video among a series of YouTube videos that I was watching by Erik Qualman.

Qualman, E. [Equalman]. (2019, January 8). Digital Transformation Video 2019 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/6k_G_h41ZaQ